C2 Meeting in Berlin

The Learning Path Team highly appreciated the conference stay in Berlin from the 21nd to 24th may 2019. It was a great opportunity to exchange experience and expertise, to compare the educational systems and schools on an international level and continue our way to finding a new learning path. The international constellation of the team members was invigorating and we had a lot of enriching discussions throughout national borders.

We were impressed by the presentation of BYOD at OSZ IMT, our host in Berlin, and enjoyed the guided tour in the school where we admired newly designed highly equipped open-space learning classrooms and laboratories.

After we reviewed our progress, we compared our assessment results in order to know where we stand and what we want. The importance of a systematic approach in digitalized learning and the understanding of digital development as a crucial part of organizational development were highlighted because the question is not what should be done, but how it should be done. Hence, we focused on teachers needs in training and drew conclusions on possible CPD activities to address development needs for teachers. The aim was to develop a concept and define next steps in Digital Learning.

Highlight of our stay was the excursion to the ABB Education Centre, where we had the opportunity to see an impressive model of digital-based education for apprentices. During our guided tour we saw students working on and with robots and how impressive educating Industry 4.0 Experts looks on a daily basis. We are looking forward to continue our collaboration and exchange of experiences in Denmark.