At our C3 meeting, we also had a chance to use digital tools to discover the city of Naestved. Using a Danish App called WOOP, we did a self-guided tour on street art in Naestved. Being at the correct “spot”, this App showed us some information on the art piece and asked a little question to check if we really have been there. Spot by spot, we discovered the graffities and paintings at Naestved’s walls.
While most people relate digital tools with sitting in front of computers or smartphone without any interaction, our digital city tour was the complete opposite: we learned a lot while being out of school and discussing within our groups.
After the tour, we discussed the different possibilities to integrate such geo-location based tool in teaching. Especially in courses as History, Arts or German, students could discover their surrounding in a different context. They could create their own little city walks and add spots with historical meaning within a certain period.