ISQ’s final event

ISQ organised its final (dissemination) event at the beginning of the year – it was a good way to welcome the new year 2021.

Before the events started, the participants did their registration and had some time for networking.

The event took place at ISQ premises in Oeiras and the target group of the event was external trainers that collaborate with ISQ in specific trainings.

The sessions started with the welcome words of Tânia Avelino the Project Manager in Portugal, who introduced to the audience ISQ R&D Department and the work developed under the European projects for the development of competences, as also the Learning Path project that was developed by collaborators of this department. Next the general framework of Learning Path project was introduced, the partnership, its goals and target groups.

After initial introductions all the participants of the session were invited to fulfill the DigiCompEdu Check-In tool, so they could be aware of their results and their level regarding digital competencies, after a brief introduction to DigCompEdu, its usefulness and areas.

Then the digital organizational road map of the company was presented, followed by a session to discuss it and receive feedback from the external trainers on how it could better match their needs and expectations, also reflecting the results and self-reflection they could have made with the fulfillment of the DigCompEdu Check-In. Most of the insights collected were not related with the learning of new tools, but with necessary support to transform their face-to-face sessions and materials to digital format.


The session continued with Lara Ramos, an internal ISQ trainer and project manager. She presented her own Learning Path, how she started her involvement in the project, her first result of the Check-In tool self-assessment, all the activities she went through these last two years to improve her knowledge, the gains and the difficulties she faced and the new results of her own evaluation.

The session went in a very participative discussion mode, with the participants giving their insights in how the company could help them to improve their performance regarding digital competences in their training, having in mind that as external collaborators their needs and availability have to be dealt in a different way.

The biggest achievement of this event was the proposal of the creation of a Community of ISQ trainers in Teams, where all trainers that are interested will be enrolled for sharing knowledge, tools, doubts and to discuss the problems they face seeking for support from peers. Everybody present in the event supported the idea and got very excited by it, so this was a great ending to the development work!