We are excited to learn that our Learning Path -project received the “Good practice” recognition, which is the label awarded by Erasmus + National Agency to the projects that have been particularly…
News blog
Final evaluation, results & best practices
The Learning Path project has now reached the end of its official project time. Project partners completed a final evaluation of project activities and results, and concluded that the project was a…
When an old horse needs to learn new tricks
When an old horse needs to learn new tricks 😊 This year, at VUC Storstrøm in Vordingborg, we have worked especially with didactics in connection to online and LMS supported teaching. As…
TAKK’s final event
TAKK Tampere arranged it’s final (dissemination) event at the end of February. The event was an online webinar, since the Covid-19-situation made it impossible to organize face-to-face events. The title of the…
ISQ’s final event
ISQ organised its final (dissemination) event at the beginning of the year – it was a good way to welcome the new year 2021. Before the events started, the participants did their…
Experimentations with Open Badges
During the project, TAKK investigated possibilities for using Open Badges as form of validation of digital competences. Open Badges are based on defined standards or criteria, created by the issuer of the…
Final project meeting: Evaluation & summaries of digital learning paths & strategies
The Learning Path project consortium gathered together for the final project meeting in November 2020. Originally the meeting was supposed to take place in sunny Portugal, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic…
Learning Path webinar recording & materials
The Learning Path -project held a webinar on 29.10.2020: “Exchanging European experiences on online teaching & cooperation”, in which the project partners described their experiences on online teaching during the Covid19-lockdown period,…
Learning Path Webinar 29.10.2020 at 12 CET
Digitalized Learning Path for Educational Organizations Erasmus+ project presents: “Exchanging European experiences on online teaching & cooperation” Time: Thursday 29.10.2020 at 12-13 CET In this webinar, the “Learning Path” Erasmus+ project…
Eva Strømberg Kiehn, a Community Story from Denmark (from Epale)
I am 43 years old. I am a qualified teacher from Holbæk Seminary in 2002. I qualified as a teacher for dyslexic students from UCC in 2011 and as a DAV-teacher (Danish…
Eva Strømberg Kiehn, a Community Story from Denmark (from Epale)
I am 43 years old. I am a qualified teacher from Holbæk Seminary in 2002. I qualified as a teacher for dyslexic students from UCC in 2011 and as a DAV-teacher (Danish…
Heidi Huusgaard, a Community Story from Denmark (from Epale)
My name is Heidi Huusgaard. I am 40 years old. I have an MA in English and History. For the last six years, I have been teaching at VUC Storstrøm in Næstved…
Research on leading the development of teachers’ digital competence
Our Learning Path -project had an opportunity to dig a little deeper into the subject of teachers’ digital competence development. The project coordinator finished her master’s studies this summer and with the…
Learning Games at VUC – benefits and possibilities
Eva Strømberg Kiehn, a teacher at VUC Storstrom in Denmark, reflected the project meeting at VUC as follows: “The use of games and IT-tools in education is often a challenge – will…
New Ideas & Inspirations for the ISQ-team
At the C3 project meeting in Denmark the ISQ Learning Path Team gained new knowledge regarding digital tools and game-based training in learning settings. Lara Ramos, Trainer and R+Di Project Manager at ISQ, describes…
Out of office: a digital city tour
At our C3 meeting, we also had a chance to use digital tools to discover the city of Naestved. Using a Danish App called WOOP, we did a self-guided tour on street…
BFI’s Experiences on Gamification
At the C3 project meeting in Denmark the BFI Wien Learning Path Team gained much new knowledge regarding digital tools and game based training in learning settings. Sandra Heuschmidt, E-Learning Manager at…
TAKK’s project team excited about Active Floor
TAKK Tampere project team’s teachers Anu Erkinheimo and Jouni Hanhinen got really excited about the Active Floor that was introduced during the project’s C3-meeting in Denmark. Anu and Jouni wrote about their…
C3 project meeting in Denmark
The 3rd short-term joint staff training event of the Learning Path project took place from 5th to 7th of November in Næstved, Denmark. The main aim of this event was to get…
CheckIn Tool Feedback from TAKK’s trainers
During our Digitalized Learning Path project, TAKK’s trainers have been invited to trial the DigCompEdu Check In tool for self reflection of areas where you can enhance the ways in which eductators…
C2 Meeting in Berlin
The Learning Path Team highly appreciated the conference stay in Berlin from the 21nd to 24th may 2019. It was a great opportunity to exchange experience and expertise, to compare the educational…
After developing an organizational roadmap at the C1 meeting in Vienna, the OSZ IMT team started a first pilot using the SELFIE tool to evaluate digital teaching and learning at their school.…
Designing organizational road maps in Wien, Austria
The project’s first Short term staff training event (STSTE) C1 took place in BFI, Austria, in December 2018. The main objective of the event was to discuss the DigCompEdu-framework as well as…