Competence evaluation and assessment models
Evaluation models & tools
There are many kinds of assessment tools on national and European level. In this project it was collected and presented a selection of tools suitable for assessment of digital capacity, digital skills and competences. As a result, partners organizations have assessments made on organizational level and/or on personnel level (teachers / trainers) according to organizations current stage and needs for development.
By using the assessment tools, organizations will become aware of the needs of the organization and the staff. Bellow are presented the most used tools by partners in this project:
Check-In Self Reflection Tool
The DigCompEdu Framework has been used as the basis for developing a self-reflection tool for educators, provisionally called “DigCompEdu CheckIn”. This tool is currently being pre-tested with small groups of educators in different European Member States. During the test phase, i.e. until 31 July 2019, the tool is open for testing to all educators worldwide. All educators are invited and encouraged to provide feedback on their experience with the tool via the corresponding feedback survey.
DigCompEdu distinguishes six stages or levels along which educators’ digital competence typically develops. For each stage a role descriptor is provided which reflects the particular focus of digital technology use typical for the competence stage. These role descriptors also relate to an educator’s relative strengths and roles within a professional community.
- Newcomer (A1)
- Explorer (A2)
- Integrator (B1)
- Expert (B2)
- Leader (1)
- Pioneer (C2)
For each of the 22 competences, level descriptors and proficiency statements are provided that allow educators to understand their level of competence and their specific development needs.
If you wish to know this tool please click here.
SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies) is a tool designed to help schools embed digital technologies into teaching, learning and student assessment. It can highlight what’s working well, where improvement is needed and what the priorities should be. The tool is currently available in the 24 official languages of the European Union with more languages to be added over time.
SELFIE gathers – anonymously – the views of students, teachers and school leaders on how technology is used in their school. This is done using short statements and questions and a simple 1-5 agreement scale. The statements cover areas such as leadership, infrastructure, teacher training and students’ digital competence.
SELFIE is available for primary, secondary and vocational schools in Europe and beyond. It can be used by any school – not just those with advanced levels of infrastructure, equipment and technology use.
The tool generates a report of a school’s strengths and weaknesses in their use of digital technologies for teaching and learning. The more people in the school taking part, the more accurate the SELFIE of their school will be.
The results and insights from the SELFIE exercise are for the school only and are not shared unless it is chosen to do so.
The findings can help see where the organisation is and, from there, start a conversation on technology use and develop an action plan for the school. SELFIE can then be used at a later stage to gauge progress and adapt the action plan.
If you wish to know this tool please click here.
Competence evaluation and assessment models
Check-In Self Reflection Tool
The DigCompEdu Framework has been used as the basis for developing a self-reflection tool for educators, provisionally called “DigCompEdu CheckIn”.
DigCompEdu distinguishes six stages or levels along which educators’ digital competence typically develops. For each stage a role descriptor is provided which reflects the particular focus of digital technology use typical for the competence stage. These role descriptors also relate to an educator’s relative strengths and roles within a professional community.
- Newcomer (A1)
- Explorer (A2)
- Integrator (B1)
- Expert (B2)
- Leader (1)
- Pioneer (C2)
For each of the 22 competences, level descriptors and proficiency statements are provided that allow educators to understand their level of competence and their specific development needs.
SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies) is a tool designed to help schools embed digital technologies into teaching, learning and student assessment. It can highlight what’s working well, where improvement is needed and what the priorities should be. The tool is currently available in the 24 official languages of the European Union with more languages to be added over time.
The tool generates a report of a school’s strengths and weaknesses in their use of digital technologies for teaching and learning. The more people in the school taking part, the more accurate the SELFIE of their school will be.
After the application of the assessment tools per partner the most important and significant findings were collected in the following table.
In Learning Path project, it will be developed pathways and teaching material for the development and enhancement of skills and competences of partners respective teachers, trainers and participating companies. Based on the differentiation between levels A1 to C2 it will be improved the assessment methods, learning paths and internal conceptual strategies of participating institutions with a view to develop transferable units and sequences to improve the ability of the staff to cope and respond in a reflective way to the challenges of a digital society and workplaces. This includes awareness, operational skills and technical understanding as well as educational criteria to select and apply digital tools and learning technology.